Rhyfedd, rhyfedd gan angylion, Rhyfeddod fawr yng ngolwg ffydd, Gweld Rhoddwr bod, Cynhaliwr helaeth A Rheolwr pob peth sydd, Yn y preseb mewn cadachau A heb le i roi ei ben i lawr, Ac eto disglair lu'r gogoniant Yn ei addoli'n Arglwydd mawr. Pan fo Sinai i gyd yn mygu A swn yr utgorn uwcha' ei radd, Caf fynd i wledda tros y terfyn Yng Nghrist y Gair heb gael fy lladd; Mae ynddo'n trigo bob cyflawnder, Llond gwagle colledigaeth dyn; Ar yr adwy rhwng y ddwyblaid Gwnaeth gymod trwy ei offrymu ei hun. Efe yw'r Iawn fu rhwng y lladron, Efe ddioddefodd angau loes, Efe a nerthodd freichiau ei ddienyddwyr I'w hoelio yno ar y groes; Wrth dalu dyled pentewynion, Ac anrhydeddu deddf ei Dad, Cyfiawnder, mae'n disgleirio'n danbaid Wrth faddau yn nhrefn y cymod rhad. O! f'enaid, gwêl y fan gorweddodd Pen brenhinoedd, Awdwr hedd, Y greadigaeth ynddo'n symud, Yntau'n farw yn y bedd; Cân a bywyd colledigion, Rhyfeddod fwya' angylion nef; Gweld Duw mewn cnawd a'i gydaddoli Mae'r côr, dan weiddi "Iddo Ef!" Diolch byth, a chanmil diolch, Diolch tra bo ynwy' i chwyth, Am fod gwrthrych i'w addoli A thestun cân i bara byth; Yn fy natur wedi ei demtio Fel y gwaela' o ddynol-ryw, Yn ddyn bach, yn wan, yn ddinerth, Yn anfeidrol wir a bywiol Dduw. Yn lle cario corff o lygredd, Cyd-dreiddio â'r côr yn danllyd fry I ddiderfyn ryfeddodau Iechydwriaeth Calfari; Byw i weld yr Anweledig, Fu farw ac sy'n awr yn fyw; Tragwyddol anwahanol undeb A chymundeb â fy Nuw. Yno caf ddyrchafu'r Enw A osododd Duw yn Iawn, Heb ddychymyg, llen, na gorchudd, A'm henaid ar ei ddelw'n llawn; Yng nghymdeithas y dirgelwch, Datguddiedig yn ei glwy', Cusanu'r Mab i dragwyddoldeb Heb im gefnu arno mwy. swn :: sain utgorn uwcha' ei radd :: udcorn uchaf radd Yn Nghrist y Gair :: Yngrym 'r aberth heb gael fy lladd :: heb fy lladd Ar yr adwy :: Yn yr adwy trwy ei offrymu ei hun :: trwy offrymu ei hun ddyn bach, yn wan, yn ddinerth :: ddyn wedi amgylchu â gwendid Yn anfeidrol wir a bywiol :: Ac yn anfeidrol bywiol - - - - -1,2; 1,3. Rhyfedd, rhyfedd gan angylion, Syndod mawr yng ngolwg ffydd! Rhoddwr bod, Cynhaliwr helaeth, A Rheolwr pob peth sydd, Yn y preseb mewn cadachau! Ac heb le i 'roi 'i ben i lawr, Eto dysglaer lu'r gogoniant A'i haddolant Ef yn awr. Dyma'r Brawd a anwyd ini Erbyn c'ledi a phob clwy'; Ffyddlawn ydyw, llawn tosturi, Haeddai gael ei foli'n fwy; Rhyddhäwr caethion, Meddyg cleifion Ffordd i Seion union yw, Ffynnon loew, Bywyd meirw, Arch i gadw dyn yn fyw. Diolch byth, a chan-mil diolch, Diolch tra bo ynof chwyth, Am fod Gwrthddrych i'w addoli, Testun cân i bara byth; Yn fy natur wedi ei demtio Fel y gwaela' o ddynolryw, Yn ddyn wedi'i amgylchu â gwendid, Ac yn anfeidrol fywiol Dduw.Ann Griffiths 1776-1805
Tonau [8787D]:
gwelir: |
Wondrous, wondrous for angels, A great wonder in the sight of faith, To see the Giver of Existence, the generous Upholder And Regulator of everything that is, In the manger in cloths And without a place to lay down his head, And yet the shining host of glory Are worshipping him as a great Lord. Whenever all Sinai is smoking And the loudest trumpet is sounding his degree, I may go to feast across the boundary In Christ the Word without undergoing my death; In him abides every fullness, Filling the emptiness of man's loss; In the breach between the two parties He made reconciliation through his sacrificing of himself. He is the Satisfaction who was between the thieves, He suffered the throes of death, He who strengthened the arms of his executioners To nail him there on the cross; While paying a debt of firebrands, And honouring the law of his Father, Justice, it is shining fervently While forgiving is arranging the free reconciliation. O my soul, see the place where lay The Chief of kings, the Author of peace, The creation moves in him, The one dead in the grave; The song and life of the lost, The greatest wonder of the angels of heaven; Seeing God in flesh and worshipping him together Is the choir, while shouting "Unto HIm!" Thanks forever, and a hundred thousand thanks, Thanks while there is in me breath, For being an object to be worshipped And a theme of a song to endure forever; In my tempted nature Like the worst of humankind, In little man, feeble, weak, Immeasurably true and lively God. Instead of carrying a body of corruption, Entering together with the fiery choir above To the boundless wonders Of the salvation of Calvary; To live to see the Unseen, Who died and who is now living; Eternally undivided unity and communion with my God. There I may exalt the Name Which God has set as a Satisfaction, Without pretence, veil or cover, And my soul fully in his image; In the fellowship of the mystery, Revealed in his wound, Kissing the Son to eternity Without turning my back on him any more. :: :: In Christ the Word :: In the strength of the sacrifice :: :: :: little man, feeble, weak, :: a man surrounded and weakened An immeasurable true and lively :: And an immeasurable lively - - - - - Wondrous, wondrous to angels, A great surprise in the sight of faith! The giver of existence, the bountiful Upholder, And Regulator of everything that is, In the manger in nappies! And with no place to lay down his head, Still a shining host from the glory Worship him now. Here is the Brother who was born to us Against hardship and every ailment; Faithful he is, full of mercy, He would deserve to get praised evermore; A Liberator of captives, a Physician of the sick A direct way to Zion he is, A clear fount, Life of the dead, An ark to keep man alive. Thanks forever, and a hundred thousand thanks, Thanks while there be breath in me, That there is an Object to worship, The theme of a song to persist forever; In my nature having been tempted Like the worst of humankind, As man having been surrounded by weakness, And as infinite, living God.tr. 2008,18 Richard B Gillion |
Wondrous sight for men and angels!tr. H A Hodges 1905-76